
An AI-powered ecosystem

Lack of access to data, siloed due diligence technology and people-based due diligence processes are ineffective, expensive, impacts client experience and delays access to economic opportunities that people and businesses want.

With these key challenges in mind, we are building something new.

An older man.

Beyond advice

Anti-Financial Crime programs rarely fail due to the lack of a well-written policy or lack of advice. In our experience, anti-financial crime programs fail due to poor execution. Great execution relies on the right design, ongoing access to the data needed, the right technology and access to skilled professionals with verifiable skills.

Client Fabric Tech offers

Data (verifiable credentials) powered by AI
AI-powered due diligence capability
AI Copilots + Skilled Professionals

We are building an AI-powered ecosystem that will help accelerate access to economic opportunities like jobs, banking and financial products and vendor opportunities for everyone everywhere by removing the friction caused by anti-financial crime due diligence. In doing so we will help businesses fight financial crime more effectively and in doing so we will save lives and livelihoods.

Client fabric is the interwoven set of capabilities to engage, enable and empower clients.


For too long businesses have had to source data from data vendors and then have the clients verify this information. We are decentralising  data and giving data owners the ability to control their data. Actually  'AI Copilots' to enable data owners to Own, Earn from and Do good with their data. Businesses will now be able to connect with and source data from the true owners of the data.

Due Diligence Technology

Current due diligence tech is siloed by process and products. We believe a combination of AI models can help businesses get a 360 degree view of the financial crime risks they  face . We are developing an AI first platform that will help businesses take a whole-of-client view of the risks they present including managing those risks on an ongoing basis.

Community of skilled professionals

No, we don't believe AI or AI Assistants can do it all so we are building a community of skilled professionals who have the skills needed to train and oversee outputs by AI/AI Assistants. We believe this investment is critical to foster trust in the clients we serve, ensure the right user experience, quality and ROI.

We would love to partner.

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